Work accident investigation and analysis

This training is intended for operations managers and supervisors who wish to improve their skills in the investigation and analysis of work accidents.



  • Understand more precisely the accidental phenomenon.
  • Develop more efficient survey techniques.
  • Learn to develop more effective corrective measures.


  • Description of the accidental phenomenon: causes and consequences.
  • Identification and assessment of the dangers and risks surrounding the accidental phenomenon.
  • The qualities of a good investigator and good investigative techniques.
  • Understanding What Happened: Finding The Facts. How to Maximize the Results of Accident Investigations: More Effective Corrective Actions.
Book your training
  • Duration
    • A day
  • Location
    • Simplex Laval
    • Client establishment.
  • Price
    • Our training sessions are temporarily suspended

Benefits training with Simplex


  • The instructors are approved by the Partners Commission of the labor market.
  • The service is fast and personalized at each customer according to the environment of work.
Photo d'un employé travaillant dans un atelier de l'une des succursales Simplex, une entreprise de location d'outils et d'équipements.
Book your training
  • Our training sessions are temporarily suspended

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